CrossFit L1
CrossFit Weightlifting Level 1
CrossFit Gymnastics
For years my world consisted of organizing 3 kids and their busy lives (school, ski racing, gymnastics, biking, not to mention the time it took managing the endless feeding frenzy). This hectic life left very little time for my own fitness. In the Fall of 2012 I discovered a new world ~ CrossFit. Signing up for the Fundamentals class was a step towards what would become my newfound passion. Walking into that first session was nerve wracking but it didn’t take long before Greg had me working so hard I forgot how anxious I was. From that moment on, I had a feeling my kids were going to be raising themselves…kidding…well, kinda. I did realize though, it was possible to finally find the time to
Life is a balancing act!
CrossFit is balance. It is strength, endurance, mobility and functional in every sense. It is a community of people coming together to sweat, cheer, support one another and share stories of life and adventure.
I never really enjoyed a gym atmosphere before I came to CrossFit Canmore and it’s because of the people ~ all ages, all shapes and sizes, all fitness levels ~ who walk in the door with eager determination that makes this such a great place. Now my kids have also caught the infectious love for CrossFit.
One last thing…
“Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength”
-Betty Friedan