CrossFit classes are designed for all ages and fitness abilities. We use multiple types of equipment and workout styles to make you faster, stronger, and fitter.
When combined with our nutrition advice and mobility exercises, you have the ultimate recipe to reach your highest potential! All of our workouts are safe, fun and inclusive. We are certain that you will leave the gym with a big smile on your face!

CrossFit isn’t about “Losing 15 Pounds By Summertime” – it’s about feeling stronger, and understanding how much more you are capable of than you ever thought possible, no matter what your starting point may be.

Knowledge really IS power! Anyone can lift heavy weights. At CrossFit, we educate our members on the “hows” and “whys” of exercises. We know that by building your knowledge on strength, stamina, and flexibility, we’re giving you the building blocks to keep improving and progressing.

Get faster and BETTER at the sports you love. We know how important the outdoor life is to Canmore – that’s why we gear our workouts toward helping you up your outdoor performance. Whether it’s biking, skiing, climbing or anything else, we’ll help get you there.